
Have you Heard From…

It’s a common question between people in my circles at this time of year.

Unlike my relatives of previous generations, my correspondence is sparse. As recently as my mother, she stayed in touch with her out-of-town friends and relatives with letters.

Yes, snail mail. A handwritten letter, in an envelope, with a stamp. She sent it on a one, two, or three day journey (occasionally longer). Family news, a note on the weather, travel plans all found their way onto the page.

Often, we actually received a snail mail reply. It kept us up-to-date on births, deaths, moves, and employment changes.

Phone calls were considered expensive and saved more important times. There’s something special about a letter — especially a hand written one. My mother and I exchanged letters until her final illness. And I treasure a few saved over the years — a handwriting sample of a favorite aunt or cousin. I offer thanks to my mother’s cousin who saved a letter from my grandmother written at New Years 1922.

All set to send my holiday cards and letters.

(Yes, I cheat with a computer letter. I’m one of THOSE people.)

Do you send holiday cards and letters?