
Entering the Fifth Season

Spring. Summer. Fall. Winter.

Yes, there they are — four meteorological seasons that we’ve known and anticipated with either longing or dread since childhood. (It’s February. Like 99.44% of Midwest residents I’m longing for spring.)

We’ve forgotten a season on our list. The sort of deletion that could get a person into serious trouble – expensive trouble – with the government.

I’m speaking of Tax Season. It’s a day (or days) where you gather all of those papers that arrived in envelopes printed “important tax information inside”, additional forms from your employer and receipts that you put in a “Safe” place. (Sometimes these places are so safe I can’t find them.)

So whether you’re the brave sort to do your own taxes. Purchase the software to help with the math. Or need to get “stuff” together for a professional I’ve a tip.

Coffee. Calculator. Coffee. Pencil. Coffee. Paper. Coffee.

Getting Prepared
Getting Prepared

Need a change of pace from accounting? Starr Tree Farm is at special price of $1.99 from Amazon during February. Check out other Crimson Romance titles also.



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