
Lawn Squares

You’ve heard the stories. Aliens from Outer Space sneak in under cover of darkness and flatten crops in circular patterns.

Today I show you evidence of a new brand of Alien — from the plant CUBE.


Like their more famous cousins (distant) they work silently under cover of darkness. The evidence of their visits differ by the sharp corners of the patterns they make and they preference for lawns instead of crop fields. Small children puzzle over the colors and shapes. Animals sniff out traces of the rare creatures.

Be wary. They work in groups. The above example shows one complete and a second on the far right. Please respond if you’ve sighted the alien responsible.

Thank you.



Lion or Lamb

March – comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb.

At least that was the folk saying which passed for wisdom during my childhood. The adults around me paid close attention to the weather. Their livelihood as farmers depended on it.

In elementary school we decorated the March calendar with Lions, kites, and Lambs. Once in a while a shamrock was added. We made sure to wear green if the seventeenth fell on a school day. (No one likes getting pinched.)

How is the first of March outside your window? Are you having a blizzard? Cold wind and rain? Or a mild sunny day.

The flip side – scary part – is that if March arrives like a gentle lamb it will go out like a roaring lion.

I think I’ll take my storms early in the month. After the official start of spring my thoughts turn to gardens. What will I plant this year? When dare I start?