
Water at Rest

The Great Lakes lie near the center of North America. The largest, and farthest west, of these is Lake Superior. Three states and one province surround the waters of Lake Superior. Take a tour, read a pamphlet, and you’ll find all sorts of superlatives in the description of this large – very large – body of fresh water.

At the moment this photo was snapped from a cove with an abandoned pier for lumber loading, Lake Superior was showing her peaceful face. Use your imagination — that’s right — close your eyes for a moment.

Is the wind kicking up? Here come the white caps. Higher and taller the waves meeting rocky beach grow. Is that rain? Or snow? Can you see the waves against the small cliff? There’s power in that water. Yes, I understand why they built a series of lighthouses now. Oh, I’m heading for the car — that wind is COLD!

Time to snuggle under a blanket and read until the storm passes. I’m picking a sweet romance set in Wisconsin today. Seed of Desire features a small town resident with a big secret — and dogs — don’t forget the German shepherds.

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