
Keeping it Simple

Lighted, animated figures in the yard. Colorful marquee lights along the eaves. Santa’s workshop revealed in a spotlight. Or a nativity set with a dozen figures.

Yes, the large, complicated light displays are beautiful. It’s a pleasure to be the passenger when someone else drives the neighborhoods where they sprout up in December.

The smaller, simpler decorations have a charm also. A wreath on the door — cheerful green and red against white or natural wood. An electric candle in a window.

Contrary to the claims of the retail establishments — it’s possible to celebrate simple and inexpensive. The owners of the decoration below proclaim as much Christmas spirit as the winner of any neighborhood contest.


1 thought on “Keeping it Simple”

  1. Simple Christmas 2016
    Four carved pieces of wood…..the Nativity
    Stuffed, wooden, paper snowmen….memories of Bob’s room at Christmas
    Juletomte, Dahla horses, woven wheat…..Nordic
    Small tree, white lights, handmade or gift ornaments

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