
Song Title

A ballad. A gentle melody compliments words describing the scene. The listener conjures a vision of clean sand, gentle waves, and fair skies. Released by a country/folk music superstar, the song is one of those that “stuck” in my mind.

Approximately two decades ago I visited the beach in the song. Well, I visited a beach on the same island. To be fair, the beaches we drove past to arrive at the state park portion all looked similar.

Bad timing. But my visit was short. We arrived a day or two after a storm. This happened to not be a storm with deposited a rich supply of sea shells. (Well, they may have been present, but I didn’t look especially hard.)

Jellyfish anyone???

Our beach time centered around keeping the four-year-old grandnephew from having an EXTREMELY close encounter with the dead animals.

Perhaps one of these years I’ll return and find the Galveston beach of the ballad.